Edmodo. What is it?
Edmodo was first introduced to Cloonlyon NS in 2017 where Mr McGuire and 2nd, 3rd & 4th classes started to use the online Educational Learning Environment. They have been using Edmodo in their classes for the exchanging of notes, videos, images, important information, assignments and submission of work. It is proving to be a powerful tool for the teacher, the student and now the parent. Below you will find help you to sign up as a parent and keep track of your son/daughters progress along with some helpful tips and tricks.
Parent Accounts
Parent Accounts are a great way to stay up to date about your child’s classroom activities, assignments, grades, and school events. We’ve outlined the simple sign-up process, so you can get started observing your child’s classroom right away.
After your child has created a Student Account (they will have this from school), you can create a Parent Account using your child’s unique Parent Code. You will not use a Group Code as Parent Accounts do not join Groups. Once you create your Parent Account, you are automatically observing any Group/class that your child is part of on his/her account.
You only need one Parent Account your entire time on Edmodo. Even if you have multiple children using Edmodo, you can add them all to your one account. There is never a need to create a new Parent Account (and there is never a need for your child to create a new Student Account as well). If your child did create a new account, simply obtain the Parent Code associated with your child’s new account and add it to your existing Parent Account. As your child joins or leaves classes or schools, your account will automatically update to reflect these changes.
You will need an email address to sign up for your Parent account.
After your child has created a Student Account (they will have this from school), you can create a Parent Account using your child’s unique Parent Code. You will not use a Group Code as Parent Accounts do not join Groups. Once you create your Parent Account, you are automatically observing any Group/class that your child is part of on his/her account.
You only need one Parent Account your entire time on Edmodo. Even if you have multiple children using Edmodo, you can add them all to your one account. There is never a need to create a new Parent Account (and there is never a need for your child to create a new Student Account as well). If your child did create a new account, simply obtain the Parent Code associated with your child’s new account and add it to your existing Parent Account. As your child joins or leaves classes or schools, your account will automatically update to reflect these changes.
You will need an email address to sign up for your Parent account.
For more information on the use of Edmodo for parents, tips and suggestions, you can view more helpful videos on the Edmodo YouTube Channel here
How to Sign Up as a Parent
Note: Each child has a different Parent Code. You do not have to share a Parent Account with another parent, relative, or guardian. Multiple Parent Accounts can be set up for one student. Simply use the same Parent Code found on the student’s account to create a second Parent Account (must have a different email address).
- Obtain the unique 6-digit Parent Code from your child’s account (this is not the same as your child’s Group Code/s).
- The Parent Code is attached to your child’s account. Each child has a different Parent Code. You can find your Parent Code the following way:
- Your child’s Edmodo Homepage: the Parent Code is located on the bottom of the left side panel.
- Go to www.edmodo.com on a web browser (currently, you cannot create your Parent Account on the mobile or iPad Edmodo apps).
- Click “I’m a Parent,” listed below the “I’m a Teacher” button.
- Fill in the necessary information and your unique Parent Code, and check the box to agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
- Click “Sign Up.”
Note: Each child has a different Parent Code. You do not have to share a Parent Account with another parent, relative, or guardian. Multiple Parent Accounts can be set up for one student. Simply use the same Parent Code found on the student’s account to create a second Parent Account (must have a different email address).
Editing your Email and NotificationsYou can control what email and text notifications you receive from Edmodo by visiting the “Email and Text Updates” tab from Account Settings. To manage your email and text notifications, follow the steps below:
Best Practices for Using Parent AccountsWhether it’s having students use an avatar as a Profile picture or making a habit of logging out after using Edmodo, we’ve compiled a few best practices:
FAQ’s for Parents
- Select the “Account” drop-down arrow on the right of your top toolbar.
- Click the “Settings” option in the drop-down menu.
- Select the “Email and Text Updates” tab at the top of your “Settings” page.
- Select the type of notifications you’d like to receive by checking the box located next to each option. You can receive notifications for Alerts, replies, Notes, and Assignments.
- E-mail - Email notifications will be sent to the email address associated with your Edmodo Account.
- Text Message - Type in your phone number and select the type of notifications you’d like to receive by checking the boxes. If you select text updates, enter your 10-digit phone number and select your current mobile provider. You will need to verify your phone number in order to enable text alerts. (Text updates are only available for users in the U.S. and Canada. Standard text messaging rates apply.)
- None - You will not receive any email or text notifications. However, you will still be notified on your Homepage about activity on your child’s account.
Best Practices for Using Parent AccountsWhether it’s having students use an avatar as a Profile picture or making a habit of logging out after using Edmodo, we’ve compiled a few best practices:
- Set Expectations with Your Child
- Use a Secure Password When Creating an Account
- Students should create unique student passwords, the school has already helped with this. Using generic passwords (such as “password”, “Name”123, or birthdates) makes it easy for students to guess each others’ passwords. Passwords are case sensitive.
- Notifications alert you to new activity in your child’s account. We recommend setting up email or text notifications to help you monitor your child’s posts and progress in school. To turn on these notifications, visit your Account Settings page. You will also automatically be notified on your Homepage about activity on your child’s account.
FAQ’s for Parents
- Why is a post showing up on my child’s account but not on my Parent Account?
- Can parents directly message their students’ teacher(s)
- Where do I find the Parent Code unique to my student?
- Can we have more than one Parent Account associated with one student?
- Can I have more than one student on my Parent Account?
- Can I merge my Parent Account and Teacher Account?
- Can parents join Groups?
- What if I forget my password?
- How can I get more information about Privacy?
- Can I upload a Profile Picture?
- Can I sign up for a Parent Account on the Edmodo app for my iPad or mobile device?
- Can I send posts or reply to posts?
Edmodo Rationale
How do the various learning theories support the use of Edmodo in the classroom?
Current science teaching and learning practices emphasize collaborative, student-centered, authentic, inquiry-based environments in order to build on prior knowledge, explore misconceptions, and support higher-order learning (Wendt & Rockinson-Szapkiw, 2014). Vygotsky’s theory of Social Constructivism began in the 1960’s and still remains one of the most effective ways in learning under the guidance of a teacher. A more recent theory, the Connectivism Theory, combines Vygotsky’s social learning with social media technologies (Al-Kathiri, 2014). Web-based learning has drastically increased the learning opportunities for students and communication opportunities between students and teachers (Balasubramanian, 2014), and supports the collaborative learning and active engagement necessary for a successful learning environment (Wendt & Rockinson-Szapkiw, 2014).
How does Edmodo enhance learning environments?
Edmodo is a social networking site (SMS) that is designed specifically for teaching and learning (Balasubramanian, 2014) in that it provides learners “with a frame to assist them in structuring and coordinating acts of knowledge construction” (Turkmen, 2012, in Al-Kathiri, 2014). Studies have shown that SMS can “better student’s general learning performance, and strengthen their learning motivation and autonomy” (Balasubramanian, 2014, p.417).
The RASE Model for Teaching
Edmodo follows the RASE model for teaching using an online learning platform:
Current science teaching and learning practices emphasize collaborative, student-centered, authentic, inquiry-based environments in order to build on prior knowledge, explore misconceptions, and support higher-order learning (Wendt & Rockinson-Szapkiw, 2014). Vygotsky’s theory of Social Constructivism began in the 1960’s and still remains one of the most effective ways in learning under the guidance of a teacher. A more recent theory, the Connectivism Theory, combines Vygotsky’s social learning with social media technologies (Al-Kathiri, 2014). Web-based learning has drastically increased the learning opportunities for students and communication opportunities between students and teachers (Balasubramanian, 2014), and supports the collaborative learning and active engagement necessary for a successful learning environment (Wendt & Rockinson-Szapkiw, 2014).
How does Edmodo enhance learning environments?
Edmodo is a social networking site (SMS) that is designed specifically for teaching and learning (Balasubramanian, 2014) in that it provides learners “with a frame to assist them in structuring and coordinating acts of knowledge construction” (Turkmen, 2012, in Al-Kathiri, 2014). Studies have shown that SMS can “better student’s general learning performance, and strengthen their learning motivation and autonomy” (Balasubramanian, 2014, p.417).
The RASE Model for Teaching
Edmodo follows the RASE model for teaching using an online learning platform:
- Resources are not sufficient for full achievement of learning outcomes
- Activities need to be available for students to engage in using resources
- Support ensures that students are provided help and tools to independently solve emerging difficulties
- Evaluation to inform about student progress and to ensure that learning outcomes are being achieved (Balasubramanian, 2014)