My Grandparents are magnificent and they care for me. They feed me. They teach me how to use or do stuff like shoot a shotgun! O! They get stuff for me as well. Let just put it this way my Grandparents are the best.
My Grandparents are special to me because their jokes are very funny and they make really nice apple pies. I enjoy spending time with my Grandparents because they never give out to you and they give you sweets.
My Grandparents are special to me because their stories are funny and interesting and they are great at cooking and baking. They are also very funny and I enjoy playing board games with them.
We love Grandparents.
1. They give us ice-cream before dinner
2. They make the worst jokes that are funny.
3. They make boring games fun.
4. They spend money on us.
5. When it is bed time they let us stay up for 5 more minutes.
Grandparents are loving and caring. My Grandparents are nice and funny.
My grandparents are loving, caring and funny. Grandparents are nice and gentle with you.
My Grandad is special because he is still able to make boats and weave baskets. He is able to bake buns and apple pie that taste’s really nice. He tells me about his farm. I like learning about his school days when he was young and how he liked to fish or farm.
My Grandparents are special to me because they always help when I need them too. They will cheer me up when I’m upset.
My Grandparents are funny-they give me sweets, chocolate but most of all they are Special
My Grandparents are important because they care for me and spoil me. My grandparents LOVE me and I love them. They are the funniest people I have ever met.
My Grandparents are the kindest people you will ever meet. My Grandparents are special. My Grandparents love me so much and care for me.
My Grandparents are very special to me. Everytime we come over they are very happy to see us and always gives us sweets. They are so kind, loving and special to me and my family. You could meet nobody nicer than my Grandparents.
My Grandparents are special because they help and they love us. They are happy when they see us arrive. They play with us.
My Grandparents are special. They never give out to me. They make the nicest apple pie. I always bake with them.