The European Schoolnet (EUN) have recruited eleven teachers from all over Europe to join the “Aerospace in Class” project. Mr McGuire is one of two teachers in Ireland to have been selected and will be travelling to Brussels Friday week for an intensive workshop.
The “Aerospace in Class” Project is about integrating STEM1 resources from the Airbus Foundation Discovery Space in classes for 8- to 12-year-old students. The project is committed to bringing together the products and people of the global aerospace company Airbus to help address the challenges of today's society. It focuses on empowering young people for the challenges of tomorrow.
The Airbus Foundation Discovery Space is a digital portal for aerospace exploration, connecting students, parents, and educators across the globe with professionals in the field, bringing today’s research and technology to life.
European Schoolnet ( is coordinating this project. EUN is the network of 34 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels, which aims to bring innovation in STEM which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics subjects.
Mr McGuire will have a lot of work ahead of him as he coordinates this European initiative within his classroom and school setting. There will be lots of online meetings, reports, consultations and much more. We are very fortunate as a school to be benefiting from Mr McGuire’s involvement in this project and cannot wait to begin! We will keep you updated throughout so keep an eye on our schools web pages.