Today began with a reflection on our first day with Ciara. The first workshop focused on textures, colours and materials. The children focused on moving warm features from indoors to the outside area via yarn art. The children loved covering, weaving, throwing and exploring how to manipulate the materials to provide warmth to some outside objects.
The second workshop focused on developing a theme for our outdoor areas. 5th and 6th Class analysed and created art pieces based on their chosen theme of graffiti whilst 2nd, 3rd and 4th Class based their art on the theme of exotic animals.
Ciara will be working with the students for one more week. The direction of the project is determined by the children’s voices and interests, with their artwork at the heart of the process. It is a wonderful opportunity for the students to broaden their thinking, artistic abilities, to develop creative practices and respond to their surroundings via art. We can not wait for our next session!